Am I Pregnant?

The first sign of pregnancy can be not having your periods. Those who have their periods regularly can test with a pregnancy test kit at home. If tested properly with this test-kit, it is possible to get the accurate result in most cases. These pregnancy test-kits are available in the market. They can be found within 20-100tk.
How to test
After waking up in the morning, insert the strip into a vessel containing your urine. Insert up to the portion beneath the “MAX Line”. After 10sec, take out the strip and place in a clean and dry area. Wait for 40sec for the color to be changed. If 2 red lines are showing then the result is positive (pregnant) and if only 1 red line is showing, it is negative (not pregnant). If nothing happens then the test was not done properly. You can use a test-kit for one examination only.
To be 100% confirm, seek doctor’s help.