
After the storm the rainbow comes with a new dream and hope. For many couples, miscarriage is like a nightmare and many are able to overcome the nightmare and start with a new dream. After miscarriage, many become worried about conceiving and treat this as risky. There is nothing to be worried about this. Keep the following in mind when conceiving again:
- Consume Folic acid. It is a vitamin supplement. Start having it from 3 months before pregnancy. It decreases the tendency of birth defects and reduces the risks of birth defects considerably. Take Folic acid, Vitamin E, Iron, Calcium supplements according to the doctor’s advice.
- Healthy food ensures good health. A good health increases your chances of becoming pregnant. In a British survey, it has been seen that fresh fruits and vegetables reduce miscarriages by 50%. Regular light exercise is also good for the body. Smoking, alcohol, caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee or chocolate, and mental stress has also been shown to be related with miscarriage. So, it is better to avoid these.
- When is the right time to conceive after a miscarriage? Actually there is no time limit for this. There are many couples who have conceived quite quickly and there are others who wait. Majority doctors advice to conceive after 3 complete menstrual cycles. This allows your body to return to its previous condition and also helps you prepare mentally. In some recent surveys it has been seen that those who conceived between six months to one year after miscarriage and those who conceived much later, pregnancy was somewhat riskier for the second case.
- Keep track of your menstrual cycle. Keep an eye on when does it start, how long does it continue and if any unusual problem arises.
- Seek the help of an expert gynecologist, one who will listen to you and try to understand your situation.
- Before conceiving again, have a health check-up and seek doctor’s advice. Try to know the reasons for miscarriage. You have to be careful so that the same reason does not happen again the next time you try.